Friday, May 16, 2008

Love Strikes!

Love has got many definitions, right from the days of its trivial explanations of “aag ka dariya” to today’s quite simplistic one’s of love at first sight, love has strike for every one around us, and every one has experienced those mushy moments; those who disagree have also tasted the waters though unconsciously.

School time love is infatuation people say; college time love is kiddish, be mature! And then think; love in ur post teens is often considered to be most right by the pundits for the simple reason that people around you believe that your mind has matured enough to take the right decision and your final destination isn’t too far hence the journey will most likely have an happy beginning in terms of getting married.

No matter at what age, at which moment love strikes, when it does, you know it has arrived in a big way; it will not make huge sounds in your outer world but will surely plant a beautiful song in your heart; It will not make you crazy in terms of your actions but it will surely make you go crazy about the person with whom you are in love with.

Like any good bollywood flick; it then takes all beautiful twists and turns before facing the test of times and those who pass it and enter in to yet another beautiful phase called marriage (mind you its beautiful only when above situation is true, else God knows!)

However, for those it doesn’t work out well and the partnership comes to an end earlier than expected; it is a different ball game all together.

Life moves on and so does people around you including those who really matter to you and those who really made you fall in love with them. Experts say that if you believe in your love then do not hold on to it, set it free and it will come back; well I am yet to see a live example. Every one in life make mistakes; goes through the learning curve; for few its faster and yet for others it takes eternity to find out what is right or wrong for them; what did they lose; gain and most importantly; what not to do to get in to the same situation again.

Problem with most heartbreak victims out is the battle between past, present and future. Like any other situation in life; if you cling to your past; you will be doing great injustice to your today and at the same time if you are thinking to much about your future; then you are probably losing out on your current time to make things better ahead.

Like any good batsman; one must not be out of practice for too long; hence if you do not find another partner very soon; you might end up being in this mess even before you know it.

It is not that one must format the hard drive and forget about what all happened; It is impossible to do; It is at times equally impossible to hate the other person who is responsible for your today. The best way is to make a small hidden folder and try to forget its location; even if that does not work out; remember; life is too short to be lived on hopes; so bury the past and chin up to face the today as it will lead to your tomorrow which is even important than your past.

Life doesn’t give you many chances; but when it does, you need to grab it with both hands as life is too short to be lived on assumptions and thinking what might happen due to your action might refuse the success from that action and fear of failure will never let you do it and probably you will add few more ‘Kaash’ for your death bed.

Knowing what’s right and still not doing it due to false assumptions like ‘it is not meant to be’ is the biggest sin I believe. Only thing one will ever gain out of it would be a little boost to self-ego, which will take you nowhere. Knowing the point of correction and still looking away from it would simply mean that your learning curve is taking yet another dive

If life doesn’t give you a chance, give life a chance to prove to you. It is not as trivial as it seems but definitely takes an effort, which will come by intent.

Giving up on life and accepting it the way it is taking you is perhaps the easiest thing to do and most dreadful as well. Your fear and assumptions might make the soil infertile forever where it holds a potential to blossom a garden.

Some times it is best to hit a pause button in your life; take a deep breath and you will know what is right for you to do. If you still fail to do so, life might never throw up any chance for you but if you do give it a chance; life will come up with many as the say, journey of thousand miles starts with a single step; so are you ready to take that step to enhance your future or to accept things assuming it the way it is will remain for ever. It is good to hope for a brighter future, however it is even better to make your present beautiful, which will ensure a sun shining tomorrow.

As far as I am concerned; my umbrella is ready in a hope of bright sunshine; even if it rains; I am sure it will be able to protect me!

And if you still find your self on the losing side despite your bets efforts, then remember…

“Shaakh pe nayi pattiyo ke khilne ka mausam hai.

Yun daal pe gire us ashq ko ilzaam na do”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Undoubtedly SKB write...........
m sure whoever reads it, will start realting the stuff to his/her own life n learning curve. well, indeed life is too short to be lived on hopes, but its hope tats keep life going, isn't??