The reason for not being on the board was not that I could not find time for writing but rather me being too lazy!
As my professional raph is progressing, I am realizing that how important it is to utilize your free time (if you get any!), and surely as far as learning this art is concerned, It’s a long way to go for me! But not for those who have been their done that.
Especially some one like Tendulkar who knows only one thing, how to surprise his critics and come out as a winner. True, that due to dismal performance with bat, India is no longer a party in the on going DLF cup and by the time most of you would read this, West Indies or Australia (more likely) would have won the cup!
But what has emerged out from this tournament is that the little master still has bigger plans for the team and is in no mood to let his injuries take over his performance.
Not going by his scores, I think the shots that he played throughout the tournament are a testimonial of the fact that his mental state has taken over his physical grievances.
The first match saw sachin playng shots all over the park in his classic style and for once, the memories of late 90’s flashed back. True, that with his age, the aggression in his batting has taken a form of subtle arrogance. Sachin dancing down the track to warne and clearing the rope might not be a reality now but his footwork is still the best when it comes to playing against spinners.
The amount of risk hat he still takes is an evidence of him being the number one in the list of bowlers.
Clearly, the king has re emerged from darkness of past and has announced his arrival and that too in a big way. His score of 142 in the first match is just a warning signal, a wave that will surely hit hard to the opposition in the forthcoming Champions trophy.
Given the home conditions, it would only be best for the bowlers to make out a well crafted strategy against him lest they can expect a never lasting parable of runs..
So those who thought that an era has ended this is wake up call for them. The GOD still exists and his powers are still intact, so beware!
Coz this autumn, fireworks goanna be not just their in the sky! But in the stands!
The nighmares for shane warne and others are just about to return..
This comeback kid has surely announced his arrival in style and it’s a matter of time before he starts his journey to regain the no.1 spot which has long been deprived from him
I present this blank canvas...let the artist in you fill it with colors of life..., colors of joy and happiness...let's rule...and let's rock!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
C2C: College 2 Corporate
“Only constant thing in this world is change”, said some one. I would add “difficult” to it.
All of us at some point or the other have experienced this phenomena and without realizing the fact that it’s there happening to us at all the times. For some this change is nothing but experiencing better times, accomplishing or achieving something that they ever wanted to, then change is nothing but a by product and takes little notice so as to say when “transition” is smooth. For others, it is a painful experience, pain for whatever they are going to loose and worry about future. Such people get in to future before time hence making present a past and in the whole process, present gets lost with one leg in past and the other one in future so rightly put by the dialogue writer of RDB.
For such people, “transition” is never smooth. Their could be many reasons for that, like not achieving what they always wanted to and worse getting in to something opposite if it. Then every moment, every action leads to nothing but struggle, struggle for next level, and struggle for keeping their stand firm even winds are against them. The whole change then looks like a monster then.
In my recent times, I have met and talked with both kind of people and I am still not sure about what to conclude. Though every one strives for best in their lives and eventually one always gets to a point where he/she more or less is satisfies in terms of the result of that change.
At this moment, one looks back and realizes the change was not that important. In fact what was more important than that was “transition” which makes one go under a process of change.
Like said some one and I firmly believe in that “It’s the journey that matters and not the destination”
Talking about my experience, the transition had rather been unsmooth. From changing school in 11th standard to graduation to a post graduation to a job now.
The transition from graduation to post graduation was rather the most unpleasing and unsmooth for me so far. Alien environment and top of that away from home for the first time made situation even worse. Before realizing the fun part and independence, it was a painful journey and the whole process was difficult for me to handle. I also firmly believe in “Whatever happens, happens for good”, hence today I look back and I realize that I learned a lot during the last two years of my PG.
Coming to the job, it’s totally a new experience what I would name it as an exponential change. The transition is still happening so I won’t comment on that however the life seems to be taking a completely new turn in a direction which is unexplored and less traveled as well. When I say less traveled, I simply mean that not many people used to prefer ‘Retailing” as a career option and hence the kind of responsibilities and working environment was unknown and now as being a part of it, it’s a mixed feeling of both hope, growth, fast track career and few points which didn’t impress me in the start like working on Saturday and Sunday, national off’s means being on toes and then being organized in this largely unorganized sector as in calling your office a “store”. But I believe these are few points which can be taken care of when I will complete my training and get to the next level and that would be the time when I will look back to realize the transition which had been pretty smooth so far apart from the fact that I have to wear formals which I hate
Situations change, people change, Govt. change, leaders change, players change, winners change … one thing that doesn’t change is change…. So if it is that integral part of our life… then lets hope I happen for good for everybody at every time!
All of us at some point or the other have experienced this phenomena and without realizing the fact that it’s there happening to us at all the times. For some this change is nothing but experiencing better times, accomplishing or achieving something that they ever wanted to, then change is nothing but a by product and takes little notice so as to say when “transition” is smooth. For others, it is a painful experience, pain for whatever they are going to loose and worry about future. Such people get in to future before time hence making present a past and in the whole process, present gets lost with one leg in past and the other one in future so rightly put by the dialogue writer of RDB.
For such people, “transition” is never smooth. Their could be many reasons for that, like not achieving what they always wanted to and worse getting in to something opposite if it. Then every moment, every action leads to nothing but struggle, struggle for next level, and struggle for keeping their stand firm even winds are against them. The whole change then looks like a monster then.
In my recent times, I have met and talked with both kind of people and I am still not sure about what to conclude. Though every one strives for best in their lives and eventually one always gets to a point where he/she more or less is satisfies in terms of the result of that change.
At this moment, one looks back and realizes the change was not that important. In fact what was more important than that was “transition” which makes one go under a process of change.
Like said some one and I firmly believe in that “It’s the journey that matters and not the destination”
Talking about my experience, the transition had rather been unsmooth. From changing school in 11th standard to graduation to a post graduation to a job now.
The transition from graduation to post graduation was rather the most unpleasing and unsmooth for me so far. Alien environment and top of that away from home for the first time made situation even worse. Before realizing the fun part and independence, it was a painful journey and the whole process was difficult for me to handle. I also firmly believe in “Whatever happens, happens for good”, hence today I look back and I realize that I learned a lot during the last two years of my PG.
Coming to the job, it’s totally a new experience what I would name it as an exponential change. The transition is still happening so I won’t comment on that however the life seems to be taking a completely new turn in a direction which is unexplored and less traveled as well. When I say less traveled, I simply mean that not many people used to prefer ‘Retailing” as a career option and hence the kind of responsibilities and working environment was unknown and now as being a part of it, it’s a mixed feeling of both hope, growth, fast track career and few points which didn’t impress me in the start like working on Saturday and Sunday, national off’s means being on toes and then being organized in this largely unorganized sector as in calling your office a “store”. But I believe these are few points which can be taken care of when I will complete my training and get to the next level and that would be the time when I will look back to realize the transition which had been pretty smooth so far apart from the fact that I have to wear formals which I hate
Situations change, people change, Govt. change, leaders change, players change, winners change … one thing that doesn’t change is change…. So if it is that integral part of our life… then lets hope I happen for good for everybody at every time!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
FDI in Retail -II
Arguments against FDI in Retail
The most important argument against modern retailing and supply chain integration is that it displaces labour in a labour-surplus society. Till such time that we are in a position to create jobs on a large scale in manufacturing and construction, it would make eminent sense to keep on hold any policy that results in the elimination of jobs in the unorganised retail sector.
The primary task of the government is still providing livelihoods and not create so-called efficiencies of scale by creating redundancies. If we assume 40 million adults in the retail sector, it would translate into around 160 million dependents
Opening the retailing to FDI means dislocating millions from their occupation and pushing vast number of families under the poverty line. The Western concept of efficiency is maximising output while minimising the number of workers involved. This will only increase social tensions in a developing country like India, where tens of millions are still seeking gainful employment
Consider a chain such as Wal-Mart with a single point of procurement entering India. Since it already procures huge quantities from China, this make for a massive entry point of China's largely state-owned consumer goods industry into the insatiable market made up of the new consuming elite.
The global retailers would collude and exercise monopolistic power to raise prices and monopsonistic (big buying) power to reduce the prices received by the suppliers.
Clearly, the number of points in favor of FDI exceeds points against it however, asan observer, that makes little and sense and wisely so. What matters is the gravity of these points which clearly indicates that for every argument that is against FDI, there is a point countering it in favor of it.
Our nation is one of the fastest growing economy in the world and any step that needs to be taken has to be with utmost care but is the question of fair play too big here?
UPA govt. would be putting a big question mark on the jobs of many of those who voted in their favor which might be the biggest “against” for FDI however with the introduction of 51% FDI in single brand retailing, Govt. has sent out a positive signal. But does that mean Menzer should start smiling?... well the answer is no, not immediately and when it would be only Govt policies and time will tell.
FDI in Retail -I
Ask 10 selected americans about their purchase store for daily needs or almaost everything they buy and the answer would be Walmart.
Ask any 1o randomly selected Indians and now atleast 5 would say Big Baaar or Spencer’s
The journey from unorganized to organized has certenely started as far as Indian Retail Scenario is concerned, then what would be the net thing that would take this transition to a higher level or as many have argued might even bring down the level playing field for Indian Retailers. The Answer is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Unlike other sectors such as insurance, banking, Retailing has not seen the day light as far as the FDI is concerned.
Earlier this year, A.T. Kearney identified India as the top destination for global retailers and with John Meneer making his high profile visit in may emphasizing upon the importance of Wal Mart’s entry in to India, the case for FDI is only becoming stronger. Also British’s top Retail store TEsco’s CEO is epected to visit India later this year, the scene is definitely getting hotter and the pressure on Govt. getting higher to allow FDI in Retail.
To allow FDI in Retail or not is long standing debate and it would only be fair to consider both sides of the coin before coomenting about its future.
Arguments in favor of FDI in Retail
FDI in retail sector to benefit India, says World Bank
Opening up the retail sector to foreign direct investment (FDI) would be beneficial for India in terms of price and availability of products, according to the World Bank.
FDI in retail — A question of jobs, not ownership
AFTER farming, retailing is India's major occupation. It employs 40 million people. A sizeable majority of owner/employees are in the business because of lack of other opportunities. The decade of liberalisation has so far been one of jobless growth.
Since the agriculture sector is over-crowded and the manufacturing sector stagnant, millions of young Indians are virtually forced into the service sector. The presence of more than one retailer for every hundred persons is indicative of how many people are being forced into this form of self-employment, despite limitations of capital and space.
Trade/retailing is the single largest component of the services sector in terms of contribution to the gross domestic product. It accounts for 14 per cent of the service sector, i.e., twice that of the next largest economic activity in the sector — banking and insurance
. Organised retail trade employs roughly 0.5 million people and unorganised 39.5 million. The fact that about 4 per cent of the population is employed in the unorganised retail trade speaks volumes about how vital this business is to the socio-economic equilibrium in India.
In 2004, Wal-Mart had a turnover of $256 billion and it recorded a net profit of $9 billion. Its 4,806 stores employs 1.4 million persons. The average size of a Wal-Mart outlet is 85,000 square feet and the average turnover about $53 million. The turnover per employee is $1,82,000.
By contrast, the Indian retailer had a turnover of Rs 1,86,075 ($4,100 approximately) and only 4 per cent of the 12 million retail outlets occupied space larger than 500 square feet. The total turnover of the unorganised retail sector, which employs 39.5 million persons, was Rs 735,000 crore. India has 35 towns each with a population of over one million. If Wal-Mart were to open, on an average, one store in each of these 35 cities and if each achieved the average Wal-Mart performance per store, the turnover would amount to over Rs 8,033 crore and number of employees to only 10,195.
Extrapolated to the rest of the country, it would mean displacing around 4,32,000 persons. In other words, every new Wal-Mart employee will render 40 retailers surplus. If FDI retailers with deep pockets were to take over 20 per cent of the retail trade, this would mean a turnover of Rs 1,47,000 crore. This represents an employment of about 43,000 persons, displacing nearly eight million persons in the unorganised retail sector.
Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) pushes for FDI in Retail
ICRIER has recommended that at least 49 per cent FDI be allowed in the retail industry initially, but since the sector is highly fragmented and domestic retailers are still in the process of consolidating their position, the opening up should be gradual.
Opening up the sector to foreign investment, will actually help the existing retailers on several fronts.
· It would speed up the growth of organized formats in the country.
· It found that organised retailing has significant backward linkages through setting up of supply chains, investment in food processing industry and manufacturing units, increased productivity of agriculture, growth of interlinked sectors such as tourism and IT.
· Consumers have also gained from organised retailing since it leads to lower prices, improves the quality of products and widens the choice of products available to consumers
· It added that since foreign retailers are allowed to enter the market through other routes, the existing ban on FDI has not really acted as an entry restriction. On the contrary, the country is losing foreign investment while the entry process has become non-transparent and complicated.
· All major developed and developing countries have allowed foreign investment in retailing. Some have imposed certain other restrictions (for example, minimum capital requirement, sourcing conditions and so on) while others have opened up the sector in a phased manner to allow the domestic retailers to adjust to the changes. However, the experience of other countries shows that a major part of FDI is now directed towards the retail sector
· The biggest benefit, would flow from higher exports. They point to the Chinese experience.
· The global retailers taken together buy about $60 billion of goods each year from China for exports. Contrast this with India where less than $1 billion of exports are accounted for by global retailers (mostly metro dairy farm). Clearly, the scope of exports through the global retailers is enormous, indeed.
· Entry of sophisticated branded products affects the unbranded mass market only marginally in a vast poor country such as India. Moreover, in malls where the large retail chains set up their stores, typically, there will also be many small shops which will attract people.
· The street-corner shops will have some advantages over big stores located many miles away in shopping plazas. In India, transportation and parking are big problems for people who want to visit shopping malls
· Farmers would get better prices and bigger markets while the consumers would benefit in terms of lower prices, better quality and greater variety. The resultant rural prosperity may open up markets for other industrial goods and help a more balanced regional development as also job creation in other sectors.
Next: Arguement against FDI and conclusion
Ask any 1o randomly selected Indians and now atleast 5 would say Big Baaar or Spencer’s
The journey from unorganized to organized has certenely started as far as Indian Retail Scenario is concerned, then what would be the net thing that would take this transition to a higher level or as many have argued might even bring down the level playing field for Indian Retailers. The Answer is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Unlike other sectors such as insurance, banking, Retailing has not seen the day light as far as the FDI is concerned.
Earlier this year, A.T. Kearney identified India as the top destination for global retailers and with John Meneer making his high profile visit in may emphasizing upon the importance of Wal Mart’s entry in to India, the case for FDI is only becoming stronger. Also British’s top Retail store TEsco’s CEO is epected to visit India later this year, the scene is definitely getting hotter and the pressure on Govt. getting higher to allow FDI in Retail.
To allow FDI in Retail or not is long standing debate and it would only be fair to consider both sides of the coin before coomenting about its future.
Arguments in favor of FDI in Retail
FDI in retail sector to benefit India, says World Bank
Opening up the retail sector to foreign direct investment (FDI) would be beneficial for India in terms of price and availability of products, according to the World Bank.
FDI in retail — A question of jobs, not ownership
AFTER farming, retailing is India's major occupation. It employs 40 million people. A sizeable majority of owner/employees are in the business because of lack of other opportunities. The decade of liberalisation has so far been one of jobless growth.
Since the agriculture sector is over-crowded and the manufacturing sector stagnant, millions of young Indians are virtually forced into the service sector. The presence of more than one retailer for every hundred persons is indicative of how many people are being forced into this form of self-employment, despite limitations of capital and space.
Trade/retailing is the single largest component of the services sector in terms of contribution to the gross domestic product. It accounts for 14 per cent of the service sector, i.e., twice that of the next largest economic activity in the sector — banking and insurance
. Organised retail trade employs roughly 0.5 million people and unorganised 39.5 million. The fact that about 4 per cent of the population is employed in the unorganised retail trade speaks volumes about how vital this business is to the socio-economic equilibrium in India.
In 2004, Wal-Mart had a turnover of $256 billion and it recorded a net profit of $9 billion. Its 4,806 stores employs 1.4 million persons. The average size of a Wal-Mart outlet is 85,000 square feet and the average turnover about $53 million. The turnover per employee is $1,82,000.
By contrast, the Indian retailer had a turnover of Rs 1,86,075 ($4,100 approximately) and only 4 per cent of the 12 million retail outlets occupied space larger than 500 square feet. The total turnover of the unorganised retail sector, which employs 39.5 million persons, was Rs 735,000 crore. India has 35 towns each with a population of over one million. If Wal-Mart were to open, on an average, one store in each of these 35 cities and if each achieved the average Wal-Mart performance per store, the turnover would amount to over Rs 8,033 crore and number of employees to only 10,195.
Extrapolated to the rest of the country, it would mean displacing around 4,32,000 persons. In other words, every new Wal-Mart employee will render 40 retailers surplus. If FDI retailers with deep pockets were to take over 20 per cent of the retail trade, this would mean a turnover of Rs 1,47,000 crore. This represents an employment of about 43,000 persons, displacing nearly eight million persons in the unorganised retail sector.
Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) pushes for FDI in Retail
ICRIER has recommended that at least 49 per cent FDI be allowed in the retail industry initially, but since the sector is highly fragmented and domestic retailers are still in the process of consolidating their position, the opening up should be gradual.
Opening up the sector to foreign investment, will actually help the existing retailers on several fronts.
· It would speed up the growth of organized formats in the country.
· It found that organised retailing has significant backward linkages through setting up of supply chains, investment in food processing industry and manufacturing units, increased productivity of agriculture, growth of interlinked sectors such as tourism and IT.
· Consumers have also gained from organised retailing since it leads to lower prices, improves the quality of products and widens the choice of products available to consumers
· It added that since foreign retailers are allowed to enter the market through other routes, the existing ban on FDI has not really acted as an entry restriction. On the contrary, the country is losing foreign investment while the entry process has become non-transparent and complicated.
· All major developed and developing countries have allowed foreign investment in retailing. Some have imposed certain other restrictions (for example, minimum capital requirement, sourcing conditions and so on) while others have opened up the sector in a phased manner to allow the domestic retailers to adjust to the changes. However, the experience of other countries shows that a major part of FDI is now directed towards the retail sector
· The biggest benefit, would flow from higher exports. They point to the Chinese experience.
· The global retailers taken together buy about $60 billion of goods each year from China for exports. Contrast this with India where less than $1 billion of exports are accounted for by global retailers (mostly metro dairy farm). Clearly, the scope of exports through the global retailers is enormous, indeed.
· Entry of sophisticated branded products affects the unbranded mass market only marginally in a vast poor country such as India. Moreover, in malls where the large retail chains set up their stores, typically, there will also be many small shops which will attract people.
· The street-corner shops will have some advantages over big stores located many miles away in shopping plazas. In India, transportation and parking are big problems for people who want to visit shopping malls
· Farmers would get better prices and bigger markets while the consumers would benefit in terms of lower prices, better quality and greater variety. The resultant rural prosperity may open up markets for other industrial goods and help a more balanced regional development as also job creation in other sectors.
Next: Arguement against FDI and conclusion
Thursday, June 15, 2006
My very own One Night @ Call Centre
During my small stint at a call centre, I learnt many things and the following call is one of those great experience....This my One Night @ Call Centre (No relation with Chetan Bhagat ;))
Read On....
I: Hi, this is Ronnie at America Online, how can I help you today?
Lady: I want to speak to your supervisor.
I: Maam I have the complete authority to resolve your concern and let me assure you that I will take care of every thing.
Lady: (Interrupting) I don’t want to speak with u… get me a supervisor on line…
I: Maam I will surely do that for you however first I need to protect your privacy and security (how stupid I would have sounded at that time, I cant even imagine)…in order to transfer this call to my supervisor.
Lady: All right, go on..
I: Fine maam, may I know the…
Lady: (Interrupting)
Well, I want to cancel my account (now before I could proceed with my script, she went on without a pause of breath!)…. You know you guys have cheated me, I called up to cancel my account about an year back and today I receive a bill of 30 dollars!...what u guys think of yourself that u can charge an old lady for a service she never used and she would pay?
(A little pauses lasting not more than few milliseconds and I grabbed that!)
I: I am sorry to hear that maam but I am going to do everything I can to help you, once again, my name is Ronnie, may I have yours….?
Lady: (she gave me some name that matched with the contact on the screen).
I: In order to help you today, I need to pull up your account and ask you a few questions to protect your privacy and security (It’s mandatory to inform the member about privacy and security as per the guidelines), is that ok? (It was more of a verbatim and still I need to read that despite of the fact that she was so irate that she wouldn’t listen to me at all)
Lady: Do it fast, ok?
I: sure Maam, may I know the answer to the account security question that says (some question that I don’t remember now)
Lady: I don’t remember that.
(The verification part took good 15 minutes where she kept on giving wrong answers and became more irate and finally I had to verify her on the basis of her address and phone number after taking permission from my TA (Team Assistant))
I: Thank you for helping me verify your account (Thank you to my TA otherwise I would have died on the floor verifying a non verified account!), Now since you’ve mentioned that you would like to give up your AOL membership today and I can certainly help you with that, are u moving to a high speed. DSL or any other internet service provider (Again a stupid question however being a newbie at the floor, I had to follow the verbatim)
Lady: Where is your supervisor? I want to speak with him. I was on line with some supervisor when the call dropped… now I want to speak to a supervisor.
I: (Since we were not allowed to transfer any call to the supervisor until situation becomes out of control, I continued…). Maam let me assure there is nothing my supervisor would do differently and I have the complete authority to resolve your concern.
Lady: Get me your supervisor
I: Maam..
Lady: (Interrupting)... Supervisor!
I: Yeah but...
Lady: (Interrupting)... Supervisor!
I: I apologize for all the incon…
Lady: (Interrupting)... Supervisor!
Before that may I know the
Lady: (Interrupting)... Supervisor!
Lady: Supervisor!
Lady: Supervisor!
I: (now completely frustrated and perhaps more irate than the lady), All right maam, can I place this call on hold while I transfer you to a SUPERVISOR!
Lady: Alright, do it fast!
I: Thank you (After pressing the hold button, I literally banged my headset and went to look out for my TA. After explaining the whole situation to him, the response I got from his side was “Ramit, you got to learn and handle these situations, there’s nothing which I can do differently, go ahead and give your best shot!”
(Shot! Or get shot?)
However after gaining all the courage in the world, I continued the call
“Thank for being on line maam:
Lady: am I speaking to a supervisor?
I: (Well I almost gave in and thought of saying at that moment in time, but my senses regained conscious and I was saved from committing a blunder)
Well maam He has just left for the day and I just had a look in to your account and it’s not a major issue and I m definitely going to help you with that…
(Silence for almost 15 seconds gave me a hint of silence before the storm)
Lady: Alright, though I don’t think you will be able to do anything here, anyways lets go on..
I: (Relaxed, as if I have got a new life!), Right, thank you so much maam, now may I know your concern please?
Lady: I cancelled my account an year back and still I m receiving charges of 30 dollars from my bank account!, what u think?
I: (This time I interrupted)….Maam give me a quick moment while I process your details..
Lady: Alright
(After going through her records, I figured out that she accidentally reactivated her account 3 months back online)
I: Maam I really apologize for all this inconvenience (and explained her the whole situation)….
Lady: What?, u r trying to say that I reactivated my account?, do I look like an idiot to you?
I: (well yes maam, I would love to say yes!). Maam I completely understand your concern and had I been at your place, I would have felt the same way and let me assure you that you are completely right at your end however there is something which probably we both don’t know, so let’s try and figure that out.
Lady: (This time a little more relaxed) what is that?
(well after going in to rounds of arguments, finally we came to a solution)
I: Maam may I place this call on a hold while go ahead process your request (Actually this is the best way to take a breather and come to your senses)
(After 40 second or so…)
I: Allright maam, lete o ahead and help uoy with this, I will go ahead and canel your account and I will make sure you get your 2 month’s money back in to your account.
(That’s what is allowed as per rules if there is no usage in past 2 months).
Lady: 2 months? You are tryung to say that I will lose out on one month’s fee which u guys took out before asking me?
I: maam I understand your concern however this is the maximum I can do for you.
Lady: Get me a supervisor on line…that is why I didn’t want to speak with u at the very first place
I: Maam according to the federal laws (this is apowerful word we can use and members usually do take it seriously but as u must have realized, this member was different, read on…), this is all I can do to help you and let me assure you that no body else would be able to help you with more than what I m offering to you.
(What that lady says now shook me in and out and actually forced me to share this experience with you all)
Lady: (in a soft voice)… allright go ahead, I understand that you will not be able to help me with third month’s refund. It might be just a financial transaction for you guys…. And believe me; I am not yelling at you all this while, I was irate at your company and not at you….. (Now sobbing). I don’t know what life has in store for me? My husband died last month, I m living alone here and I don’t have (crying loud now...) enough money and these people (this is the first time she separated me from company) have robbed me
(I, in a shock and awe with no idea about what to say and do...)
I: Maam I am really sorry to hear that and I apologize for all this inconvenience and maam I understand that there are few things which are beyond business and money which forms the core of every person’s heart and that is his emotions and as listening to all this, I could feel the pain and the agony and I really feel sorry for not been able to help you, I wish I could do more for you….
(I don’t know how all this came to my mind and I kept on saying..!)
Lady: (Now much calm and soft now….), No sonny (wow that was something touchy)….i understand your point and thank you so much for your assistance. This 5th call here and this is the first time I got to a consultant who could really understand me and help me.
(Now that was flattering!, I wish my TA could listen to all this)
I: Thank you so much maam and this is what I have done for you…. (Recapped the solution and stated in about how n\much time will she get all her money back)
I: Is there anything else mai I assit you with today?
Lady: Not really, u have been of great help and I really appreciate that.
(Read the full disclosure and took a 15 min badly needed break after the call)
Though I don’t work for this call centre any more but I am sure this experience would always remain with me.
Read On....
I: Hi, this is Ronnie at America Online, how can I help you today?
Lady: I want to speak to your supervisor.
I: Maam I have the complete authority to resolve your concern and let me assure you that I will take care of every thing.
Lady: (Interrupting) I don’t want to speak with u… get me a supervisor on line…
I: Maam I will surely do that for you however first I need to protect your privacy and security (how stupid I would have sounded at that time, I cant even imagine)…in order to transfer this call to my supervisor.
Lady: All right, go on..
I: Fine maam, may I know the…
Lady: (Interrupting)
Well, I want to cancel my account (now before I could proceed with my script, she went on without a pause of breath!)…. You know you guys have cheated me, I called up to cancel my account about an year back and today I receive a bill of 30 dollars!...what u guys think of yourself that u can charge an old lady for a service she never used and she would pay?
(A little pauses lasting not more than few milliseconds and I grabbed that!)
I: I am sorry to hear that maam but I am going to do everything I can to help you, once again, my name is Ronnie, may I have yours….?
Lady: (she gave me some name that matched with the contact on the screen).
I: In order to help you today, I need to pull up your account and ask you a few questions to protect your privacy and security (It’s mandatory to inform the member about privacy and security as per the guidelines), is that ok? (It was more of a verbatim and still I need to read that despite of the fact that she was so irate that she wouldn’t listen to me at all)
Lady: Do it fast, ok?
I: sure Maam, may I know the answer to the account security question that says (some question that I don’t remember now)
Lady: I don’t remember that.
(The verification part took good 15 minutes where she kept on giving wrong answers and became more irate and finally I had to verify her on the basis of her address and phone number after taking permission from my TA (Team Assistant))
I: Thank you for helping me verify your account (Thank you to my TA otherwise I would have died on the floor verifying a non verified account!), Now since you’ve mentioned that you would like to give up your AOL membership today and I can certainly help you with that, are u moving to a high speed. DSL or any other internet service provider (Again a stupid question however being a newbie at the floor, I had to follow the verbatim)
Lady: Where is your supervisor? I want to speak with him. I was on line with some supervisor when the call dropped… now I want to speak to a supervisor.
I: (Since we were not allowed to transfer any call to the supervisor until situation becomes out of control, I continued…). Maam let me assure there is nothing my supervisor would do differently and I have the complete authority to resolve your concern.
Lady: Get me your supervisor
I: Maam..
Lady: (Interrupting)... Supervisor!
I: Yeah but...
Lady: (Interrupting)... Supervisor!
I: I apologize for all the incon…
Lady: (Interrupting)... Supervisor!
Before that may I know the
Lady: (Interrupting)... Supervisor!
Lady: Supervisor!
Lady: Supervisor!
I: (now completely frustrated and perhaps more irate than the lady), All right maam, can I place this call on hold while I transfer you to a SUPERVISOR!
Lady: Alright, do it fast!
I: Thank you (After pressing the hold button, I literally banged my headset and went to look out for my TA. After explaining the whole situation to him, the response I got from his side was “Ramit, you got to learn and handle these situations, there’s nothing which I can do differently, go ahead and give your best shot!”
(Shot! Or get shot?)
However after gaining all the courage in the world, I continued the call
“Thank for being on line maam:
Lady: am I speaking to a supervisor?
I: (Well I almost gave in and thought of saying at that moment in time, but my senses regained conscious and I was saved from committing a blunder)
Well maam He has just left for the day and I just had a look in to your account and it’s not a major issue and I m definitely going to help you with that…
(Silence for almost 15 seconds gave me a hint of silence before the storm)
Lady: Alright, though I don’t think you will be able to do anything here, anyways lets go on..
I: (Relaxed, as if I have got a new life!), Right, thank you so much maam, now may I know your concern please?
Lady: I cancelled my account an year back and still I m receiving charges of 30 dollars from my bank account!, what u think?
I: (This time I interrupted)….Maam give me a quick moment while I process your details..
Lady: Alright
(After going through her records, I figured out that she accidentally reactivated her account 3 months back online)
I: Maam I really apologize for all this inconvenience (and explained her the whole situation)….
Lady: What?, u r trying to say that I reactivated my account?, do I look like an idiot to you?
I: (well yes maam, I would love to say yes!). Maam I completely understand your concern and had I been at your place, I would have felt the same way and let me assure you that you are completely right at your end however there is something which probably we both don’t know, so let’s try and figure that out.
Lady: (This time a little more relaxed) what is that?
(well after going in to rounds of arguments, finally we came to a solution)
I: Maam may I place this call on a hold while go ahead process your request (Actually this is the best way to take a breather and come to your senses)
(After 40 second or so…)
I: Allright maam, lete o ahead and help uoy with this, I will go ahead and canel your account and I will make sure you get your 2 month’s money back in to your account.
(That’s what is allowed as per rules if there is no usage in past 2 months).
Lady: 2 months? You are tryung to say that I will lose out on one month’s fee which u guys took out before asking me?
I: maam I understand your concern however this is the maximum I can do for you.
Lady: Get me a supervisor on line…that is why I didn’t want to speak with u at the very first place
I: Maam according to the federal laws (this is apowerful word we can use and members usually do take it seriously but as u must have realized, this member was different, read on…), this is all I can do to help you and let me assure you that no body else would be able to help you with more than what I m offering to you.
(What that lady says now shook me in and out and actually forced me to share this experience with you all)
Lady: (in a soft voice)… allright go ahead, I understand that you will not be able to help me with third month’s refund. It might be just a financial transaction for you guys…. And believe me; I am not yelling at you all this while, I was irate at your company and not at you….. (Now sobbing). I don’t know what life has in store for me? My husband died last month, I m living alone here and I don’t have (crying loud now...) enough money and these people (this is the first time she separated me from company) have robbed me
(I, in a shock and awe with no idea about what to say and do...)
I: Maam I am really sorry to hear that and I apologize for all this inconvenience and maam I understand that there are few things which are beyond business and money which forms the core of every person’s heart and that is his emotions and as listening to all this, I could feel the pain and the agony and I really feel sorry for not been able to help you, I wish I could do more for you….
(I don’t know how all this came to my mind and I kept on saying..!)
Lady: (Now much calm and soft now….), No sonny (wow that was something touchy)….i understand your point and thank you so much for your assistance. This 5th call here and this is the first time I got to a consultant who could really understand me and help me.
(Now that was flattering!, I wish my TA could listen to all this)
I: Thank you so much maam and this is what I have done for you…. (Recapped the solution and stated in about how n\much time will she get all her money back)
I: Is there anything else mai I assit you with today?
Lady: Not really, u have been of great help and I really appreciate that.
(Read the full disclosure and took a 15 min badly needed break after the call)
Though I don’t work for this call centre any more but I am sure this experience would always remain with me.
Friday, June 02, 2006
India tour of West Indies, 2006 : What went wrong?
Indian team arrived in Carebbean with their heads and hopes high. And why not they had every reason for that as the domestic success against england, winning streak against Sri Lanka and Pakistan gave them the right momentum and confidence to play on the pitches which they will be facing in the Cricket's mega event in less than 9 months....
The first practice match proved the fact that team is on the right track and ready for the challenge.
What followed is something every cricket fan would like to forget but sadly we cant as the turnaround this team has shown from being one of the top contenders for champions to being washed out 1-4 aginst a team which was ranked 7th. As a result the current rank of Indian team in ODI's is 5 against 3 when they started the tour.
So what went wrong?
Was it that guru greg depended too much on its "experiments" in the batting order or the batsmen became too complacent or bowlers couldn't adjust to the conditions? or may be a combination of all.
To start with, the top order didnt fire and failed to provide the start that is ideally required in an ODI. Forget about the instances where Indian team batted first, the series saw the end to the famous world record of winning continuosly while chasing. Middle and lower order that used to sail india out in the time of crisis failed to do so while crisis became a rule rather an exception for the Indian team in this series. The line up falled like a cycle stand. Batsmen like Dhoni, Raina, failed to sore and fell almost evrytime by playing a careless shot.
Dravid decided to open the innings but couldn't capitalise on the starts hence the onus fell on the lower and middle order. Though Sewag did emerged as the saving grace for the team and found his touch back, even he couldn't bail India out when required. Yuvi followed more or less the same lines of sehwag and i am sure he would not forget that last wicket bowled when India needed just 2 runs to win the match. In the these small things matter a lot and he must have realized it by now.
The bowling department looked pale with most of them couldn't bowl at the right areas. Theking of swing, Pathan couldnt take the advantage of the conditions and failed to provide the early breakthrough. He struggled through out the series and even Greg confirmed his disappointment due to non performance! Guess the pain in in his finger has become too much that he has started crying in public now....
The only exception in this department were the duo of Agarkar and Harbhajan and one sees no logic in the selector's decision of dropping the most successful bowler in the series. " Agarkar is more of a one day player" said Kiran More and obviously hardly any one bought this arguement.. well the good news is that Kumble is back in the test team and so is laxman but as i write, he resting back in the pavillion after spending little time on the crease..
I think its high time Greg must revisit his policy of experiments and focus on basics as fielding which was emerging as India's strengths in the recent past looked like a grey area this time.
So coming back to the question "What went wrong?"...the answer would be .."Well almost everything"
Well ODI's are over and now the real "Test" begins and India can save its prestige by winning the longer version...(well with 175/5 at lunch on day 1, its a long way to go...:( )
The first practice match proved the fact that team is on the right track and ready for the challenge.
What followed is something every cricket fan would like to forget but sadly we cant as the turnaround this team has shown from being one of the top contenders for champions to being washed out 1-4 aginst a team which was ranked 7th. As a result the current rank of Indian team in ODI's is 5 against 3 when they started the tour.
So what went wrong?
Was it that guru greg depended too much on its "experiments" in the batting order or the batsmen became too complacent or bowlers couldn't adjust to the conditions? or may be a combination of all.
To start with, the top order didnt fire and failed to provide the start that is ideally required in an ODI. Forget about the instances where Indian team batted first, the series saw the end to the famous world record of winning continuosly while chasing. Middle and lower order that used to sail india out in the time of crisis failed to do so while crisis became a rule rather an exception for the Indian team in this series. The line up falled like a cycle stand. Batsmen like Dhoni, Raina, failed to sore and fell almost evrytime by playing a careless shot.
Dravid decided to open the innings but couldn't capitalise on the starts hence the onus fell on the lower and middle order. Though Sewag did emerged as the saving grace for the team and found his touch back, even he couldn't bail India out when required. Yuvi followed more or less the same lines of sehwag and i am sure he would not forget that last wicket bowled when India needed just 2 runs to win the match. In the these small things matter a lot and he must have realized it by now.
The bowling department looked pale with most of them couldn't bowl at the right areas. Theking of swing, Pathan couldnt take the advantage of the conditions and failed to provide the early breakthrough. He struggled through out the series and even Greg confirmed his disappointment due to non performance! Guess the pain in in his finger has become too much that he has started crying in public now....
The only exception in this department were the duo of Agarkar and Harbhajan and one sees no logic in the selector's decision of dropping the most successful bowler in the series. " Agarkar is more of a one day player" said Kiran More and obviously hardly any one bought this arguement.. well the good news is that Kumble is back in the test team and so is laxman but as i write, he resting back in the pavillion after spending little time on the crease..
I think its high time Greg must revisit his policy of experiments and focus on basics as fielding which was emerging as India's strengths in the recent past looked like a grey area this time.
So coming back to the question "What went wrong?"...the answer would be .."Well almost everything"
Well ODI's are over and now the real "Test" begins and India can save its prestige by winning the longer version...(well with 175/5 at lunch on day 1, its a long way to go...:( )
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Reservations: A saga of unanswered questions
Protests against reservations have now enthralled the nation and the voices of thousands unheard are making their presence felt not only on roads and medical colleges but also in the political corridors. Before riding high on emotions and taking sides, it’s important to identify few critical questions which strangely have been missed out by many. And if we try to look at the canvas from bird’s eye view, these issues may not look of importance however at ground level, the picture is somewhat different.
As the ghosts of mandal return after sixteen years to haunt the Indian middle and upper class, the protests doesn’t seem to be of the same ardor as they were in 1990. Why have we not reacted the way we did in 1990? Why are we tolerating this government and most importantly the man behind this? Arjun Singh’s dreams and ambitions seem to be way ahead of his abilities and power. As he aims to climb the next ladder to become the PM, he doesn’t realize that he is trying to step on crores of Indian youth who at no point would support him or his government. He claims that he has no “personal agenda” in pursuing the quota issue and at the same time, his attitude of airing the whole issue without discussion within the congress party suggests otherwise.
Thousands of medical students have now joined the protests which were started by medical students and junior doctors. Surprisingly a little support is visible from other disciplines. Are we satisfied with the dictatorship of Arjun Singh in the fields of management, technology, journalism, etc?
Every aspiring student in this country prefers to get in to IIM’s or FMS rather than any other private B School, Ask any aspiring techie and his dream institution would be IIT or DCE. IIMC is considered as the best place to learn journalism and mass communication which again is government institution. Won’t the quota regime affect such dreams?
Do OBC really NEED quota? A study done by two IIT Directors indicated that only 50% of vacancies at IITs for SC and ST’s are filled up. Of the remaining half, 25 percent dropout before completing the course. At a government medical college in Kanpur, as many as 50 percent of SC students for the final year MBBS exam failed the issue is not about providing favors to the OBC, its about denying the right of equality for general class and penalizing upper castes for being upper castes.
This one’s haunting me since the beginning of this debate. Can doctors deny treatment to sick people?
What happened to the oath they took for servicing sick? The first and foremost duty of every doctor is to treat sick people. Anger against government has taken over many of them and the services have been interrupted at many places causing huge problems for the patient. Can sick and poor people afford the suffering of the tussle between doctors and government? Though senior doctors have taken steps and have ensured operation of emergency services.
And as I write, I see a headline on NDTV which says that government has asked doctors to resume duty within 24 hours or leave hostel.
I believe the better way would be to operate open air OPDs at the place of protests which would not affect patients and would convey an even stronger message to the government.
The issue if not tackled would result in even further problems and then quota in private sector would no longer be a laughing matter!
In the end, I appeal to all the readers to contribute as much as possible by joining the protests. It would affect each one of us and we must not forget that we r living in a democracy, if our leaders (or rather politicians) don’t realize that, it is our duty to remind them.
As the ghosts of mandal return after sixteen years to haunt the Indian middle and upper class, the protests doesn’t seem to be of the same ardor as they were in 1990. Why have we not reacted the way we did in 1990? Why are we tolerating this government and most importantly the man behind this? Arjun Singh’s dreams and ambitions seem to be way ahead of his abilities and power. As he aims to climb the next ladder to become the PM, he doesn’t realize that he is trying to step on crores of Indian youth who at no point would support him or his government. He claims that he has no “personal agenda” in pursuing the quota issue and at the same time, his attitude of airing the whole issue without discussion within the congress party suggests otherwise.
Thousands of medical students have now joined the protests which were started by medical students and junior doctors. Surprisingly a little support is visible from other disciplines. Are we satisfied with the dictatorship of Arjun Singh in the fields of management, technology, journalism, etc?
Every aspiring student in this country prefers to get in to IIM’s or FMS rather than any other private B School, Ask any aspiring techie and his dream institution would be IIT or DCE. IIMC is considered as the best place to learn journalism and mass communication which again is government institution. Won’t the quota regime affect such dreams?
Do OBC really NEED quota? A study done by two IIT Directors indicated that only 50% of vacancies at IITs for SC and ST’s are filled up. Of the remaining half, 25 percent dropout before completing the course. At a government medical college in Kanpur, as many as 50 percent of SC students for the final year MBBS exam failed the issue is not about providing favors to the OBC, its about denying the right of equality for general class and penalizing upper castes for being upper castes.
This one’s haunting me since the beginning of this debate. Can doctors deny treatment to sick people?
What happened to the oath they took for servicing sick? The first and foremost duty of every doctor is to treat sick people. Anger against government has taken over many of them and the services have been interrupted at many places causing huge problems for the patient. Can sick and poor people afford the suffering of the tussle between doctors and government? Though senior doctors have taken steps and have ensured operation of emergency services.
And as I write, I see a headline on NDTV which says that government has asked doctors to resume duty within 24 hours or leave hostel.
I believe the better way would be to operate open air OPDs at the place of protests which would not affect patients and would convey an even stronger message to the government.
The issue if not tackled would result in even further problems and then quota in private sector would no longer be a laughing matter!
In the end, I appeal to all the readers to contribute as much as possible by joining the protests. It would affect each one of us and we must not forget that we r living in a democracy, if our leaders (or rather politicians) don’t realize that, it is our duty to remind them.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
India tour of West Indies, 2006 -II
What makes a champion different from a winner is consistency and when same needed to be applied to the game of cricket, it becomes all and more important considering that this game has produced many one day or rather one series wonder.
Indians started their tour of West Indies in an astonishing manner by comprehensive victory over Jamaica. The performances of batsmen in this match proved the fact that Indian batsmen have learned the game of consistency with dhoni, raina and most importantly kaif found themselves amongst the runs…Though sehwag once again failed to capitalize on a good start, his knock of 33 runs looked solid. However raina in particular took the glory by being the only batsmen in the line up to touch the milestone of half century.
Well, Indians have now experienced an ideal launch pad for the first ODI to be played today. Close scrutinizing of the practice match suggests that Indians had a bit easy time in the field as far as the batting was concerned with no real fast bowler or any senior member from the national team was their to really scare them and that is where Indians need to be a little cautious since the ODi would have the likes of Lara, Sarwan etc who hold a potential to take the game away from the Indians..
Whether India would be able to maintain the winning momentum or not, only time can tell, however seeing the towering sixes by Dhoni and impressive bowling performance by Munaf Patel… It looks like Indians are ready for the task and would make their presence felt by winning the battle before the war starts in the same island in a few months from now…
Indians started their tour of West Indies in an astonishing manner by comprehensive victory over Jamaica. The performances of batsmen in this match proved the fact that Indian batsmen have learned the game of consistency with dhoni, raina and most importantly kaif found themselves amongst the runs…Though sehwag once again failed to capitalize on a good start, his knock of 33 runs looked solid. However raina in particular took the glory by being the only batsmen in the line up to touch the milestone of half century.
Well, Indians have now experienced an ideal launch pad for the first ODI to be played today. Close scrutinizing of the practice match suggests that Indians had a bit easy time in the field as far as the batting was concerned with no real fast bowler or any senior member from the national team was their to really scare them and that is where Indians need to be a little cautious since the ODi would have the likes of Lara, Sarwan etc who hold a potential to take the game away from the Indians..
Whether India would be able to maintain the winning momentum or not, only time can tell, however seeing the towering sixes by Dhoni and impressive bowling performance by Munaf Patel… It looks like Indians are ready for the task and would make their presence felt by winning the battle before the war starts in the same island in a few months from now…
Saturday, May 13, 2006
India tour of West Indies, 2006
As the Indian team takes on the windies.....the wind has started blowing strongly now with the Indian team making its presence felt in the carrebians. The tour becomes more important as the world cup is gonna be played in this island only in less than 10 months from now.....
Here's a update on who is saying what these days from both camps and hows the momento is builduing up!
Five bowlers the way to Test success: Chappell
May 13, 2006
"It's the bowlers who win Tests and we all know that. I am convinced that India need to persist with the five-bowler theory in order to win more Test matches," Chappell told PTI shortly after the Indiam team's arrival here. Chappell said he expects his young fast bowlers to step up to the task and excel in Tests as well. "It's an opportunity for them to seize the moment and prove themselves in
demanding conditions."
Dravid keen to end the West Indies drought
May 11, 2006
"We're not thinking about the World Cup," Dravid stated emphatically in the pre-series press conference at the Taj Lands End in Mumbai. "We are looking to win this series and if we learn a few things along the way that can help us in the World Cup, well and good. We are keen to improve both as a Test and one-day side and it's important we keep our focus."
Tendulkar's absence unfortunate: Lara
Cricinfo staff
May 13, 2006
"I think it is unfortunate because we are all entertainers. The public would have loved to see Sachin," Lara told The Trinidad Guardian after a practice session at the Queen's Park Oval before his team's sixth ODI against Zimbabwe. "He's going to be here for the World Cup hopefully, but any opportunity to see him would have been great for the public."
Well thats an interesting point...A maestro missing the other one!
For more updates and noinions....keep checking and keep posting ;)
Here's a update on who is saying what these days from both camps and hows the momento is builduing up!
Five bowlers the way to Test success: Chappell
May 13, 2006
"It's the bowlers who win Tests and we all know that. I am convinced that India need to persist with the five-bowler theory in order to win more Test matches," Chappell told PTI shortly after the Indiam team's arrival here. Chappell said he expects his young fast bowlers to step up to the task and excel in Tests as well. "It's an opportunity for them to seize the moment and prove themselves in
demanding conditions."
Dravid keen to end the West Indies drought
May 11, 2006
"We're not thinking about the World Cup," Dravid stated emphatically in the pre-series press conference at the Taj Lands End in Mumbai. "We are looking to win this series and if we learn a few things along the way that can help us in the World Cup, well and good. We are keen to improve both as a Test and one-day side and it's important we keep our focus."
Tendulkar's absence unfortunate: Lara
Cricinfo staff
May 13, 2006
"I think it is unfortunate because we are all entertainers. The public would have loved to see Sachin," Lara told The Trinidad Guardian after a practice session at the Queen's Park Oval before his team's sixth ODI against Zimbabwe. "He's going to be here for the World Cup hopefully, but any opportunity to see him would have been great for the public."
Well thats an interesting point...A maestro missing the other one!
For more updates and noinions....keep checking and keep posting ;)
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Organised Retailing: Opportunities and Challanges
Retail has no doubt opened up a plethora of opportunities to be explored along with challenges to tackle. Diversity in terms of culture and consumer behavior is something quite unique and that’s what makes the whole scenario even more exciting
Some experts believe that the most important tool to tackle and enjoy the coming wave of retail would be the understanding of consumer behavior, however few others believe that its all about putting the right things at the right place and that is what brings us to a level of deeper understanding of the underlying issues which have been ignored or rather being looked over…
As per the AT Kearney survey, India has been ranked as the most attractive retail market among 30 nations beating Russia and even China. The best part about this survey is that India got the best rank in the “saturation” index supporting the fact that the market potential is immense and a lot of room is there… Talking about the current retail scenario… India hasn’t done too bad…We have been ranked as the 8th best retail market in the world (Retail forward global retail outlook, December 2004). India’s fast growing is forecast to approach Italy’s slow growing market by 2008 as it loosens restrictions on foreign ownership of retail stores. The point highlight the long standing debate about FDI in retail for which the likes of Wal Mart are lobbying in the PMO for a while now… Micheal Duke, Vice Chairman – Wal Mart recently visited India and to a reply to a question asked in an interview about eagerness of Wal Mart to enter India, he said “Is 10 the highest” and then practically answering “10. Or Can I say 10+? We are very eager. We see a terrific country that offers so much opportunity.” (Source: BT, April9, 2006)
Another major area of opportunity is the employment. Retail is the biggest employment generator with employing 75 of the total workforce i.e. approximately 21,000,000. The number is expected to go up by 8,000,000 once the organized retail takes plunge.
Organized retail currently forms just 3% of the total pie… however the growth over the net 3 years would be 30% annually. The unorganized retail in India has a lot to do with the food and grocery shops and the penetration of food and grocery in organized pattern is mere 1% indicating an immense opportunity to explore and grow. Big Bazaar of Pantaloon Retail India limited started a series of “Food Bazaar” throughout the country and it now forms an integral part of their offering. Other players like RPG, Pyramid are also operating on the same lines by understanding the underlying benefits.
Another factor which is contributing to this positive wave is that in India, 53% of population is young (Source: HSBC). The definition of “young” here is a person who is of or less than the age of 25 years. It highlights the growing shopping trend as it’s the modern Indian youth whose average salary is increasing and hence the higher disposable income find its way to shopping.
As they say… there aren’t any free lunches….
The retail opportunity is no doubt big… but are we ready to accept it? Do we have the required resources to avail this goldmine?
Capital investment required is 5 bn US dollars however as per the current trend, the initial domestic investment is at close to 1 bn US dollars, the investors have to look at this perspective and find out the way to cover up the deficit of 4 bn US dollars.
Human capital is other grey area for this sector. The job opportunities in India has changed the employment preference of people especially youth who prefer working in IT/ITeS sector...The most important reason behind this behavior is the lack of awareness about the growth opportunities amongst people. With the growth, the number of persons required would be high and to tackle such fears…, companies like Pantaloon Retail India Limited has tied up with various institutes where there is a specialized program on retail management.
The technology that we use today in Indian domestic retail stores is not up to date as per the western counterparts. Recently the retailers association of India decided about making bar code compulsory for all the retailers to adopt. Whereas the stores like Wal Mart, Tesco etc. are using modern ERP systems with RFID technology to stream line and automate supply chain in order to increase efficiency.
Infrastructure needs to be improved especially if the foreign retailers are to be welcomed in India. Even at the domestic front, the retailers are facing problems with the soaring rates in property which is preventing them from leveraging the benefits of mass reach. Companies like Pantaloon Retail India Limited have established a property arm recently which will take care of the construction and mall management activities.
Overall the opportunity in retail looks big. The business looks promising, scalable and profitable. The challenges are daunting however with the right approach and right policies from government, the way can be made easier and the time to capitalize is… NOW!
Coming Up Next: FDI in Retail
Some experts believe that the most important tool to tackle and enjoy the coming wave of retail would be the understanding of consumer behavior, however few others believe that its all about putting the right things at the right place and that is what brings us to a level of deeper understanding of the underlying issues which have been ignored or rather being looked over…
As per the AT Kearney survey, India has been ranked as the most attractive retail market among 30 nations beating Russia and even China. The best part about this survey is that India got the best rank in the “saturation” index supporting the fact that the market potential is immense and a lot of room is there… Talking about the current retail scenario… India hasn’t done too bad…We have been ranked as the 8th best retail market in the world (Retail forward global retail outlook, December 2004). India’s fast growing is forecast to approach Italy’s slow growing market by 2008 as it loosens restrictions on foreign ownership of retail stores. The point highlight the long standing debate about FDI in retail for which the likes of Wal Mart are lobbying in the PMO for a while now… Micheal Duke, Vice Chairman – Wal Mart recently visited India and to a reply to a question asked in an interview about eagerness of Wal Mart to enter India, he said “Is 10 the highest” and then practically answering “10. Or Can I say 10+? We are very eager. We see a terrific country that offers so much opportunity.” (Source: BT, April9, 2006)
Another major area of opportunity is the employment. Retail is the biggest employment generator with employing 75 of the total workforce i.e. approximately 21,000,000. The number is expected to go up by 8,000,000 once the organized retail takes plunge.
Organized retail currently forms just 3% of the total pie… however the growth over the net 3 years would be 30% annually. The unorganized retail in India has a lot to do with the food and grocery shops and the penetration of food and grocery in organized pattern is mere 1% indicating an immense opportunity to explore and grow. Big Bazaar of Pantaloon Retail India limited started a series of “Food Bazaar” throughout the country and it now forms an integral part of their offering. Other players like RPG, Pyramid are also operating on the same lines by understanding the underlying benefits.
Another factor which is contributing to this positive wave is that in India, 53% of population is young (Source: HSBC). The definition of “young” here is a person who is of or less than the age of 25 years. It highlights the growing shopping trend as it’s the modern Indian youth whose average salary is increasing and hence the higher disposable income find its way to shopping.
As they say… there aren’t any free lunches….
The retail opportunity is no doubt big… but are we ready to accept it? Do we have the required resources to avail this goldmine?
Capital investment required is 5 bn US dollars however as per the current trend, the initial domestic investment is at close to 1 bn US dollars, the investors have to look at this perspective and find out the way to cover up the deficit of 4 bn US dollars.
Human capital is other grey area for this sector. The job opportunities in India has changed the employment preference of people especially youth who prefer working in IT/ITeS sector...The most important reason behind this behavior is the lack of awareness about the growth opportunities amongst people. With the growth, the number of persons required would be high and to tackle such fears…, companies like Pantaloon Retail India Limited has tied up with various institutes where there is a specialized program on retail management.
The technology that we use today in Indian domestic retail stores is not up to date as per the western counterparts. Recently the retailers association of India decided about making bar code compulsory for all the retailers to adopt. Whereas the stores like Wal Mart, Tesco etc. are using modern ERP systems with RFID technology to stream line and automate supply chain in order to increase efficiency.
Infrastructure needs to be improved especially if the foreign retailers are to be welcomed in India. Even at the domestic front, the retailers are facing problems with the soaring rates in property which is preventing them from leveraging the benefits of mass reach. Companies like Pantaloon Retail India Limited have established a property arm recently which will take care of the construction and mall management activities.
Overall the opportunity in retail looks big. The business looks promising, scalable and profitable. The challenges are daunting however with the right approach and right policies from government, the way can be made easier and the time to capitalize is… NOW!
Coming Up Next: FDI in Retail
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
A moment of achievement...a moment of motivation... a moment of satisfaction....
Friday, April 28, 2006
Retail : In the growth trajectory

Retailing: the next driver of the Indian economy… the good job that was started by industries such as IT/ITeS, Insurance has now been taken over by retail. While other industries keep up the pace of the growth, we have a new kid on the blocks.
However, how new it may sound, the concept of retailing started back as late as in1863.
Since then, the economy had seen few players in the modern or organized retail…. Companies like Pantaloon Retail, Pyramid Retail, and Shoppers Stop have been the “Big Players” of the industry
Retailing is the largest employer in India. The Indian retail industry is about 9.9 lakh crore.
The question is what has made industry people al of the sudden stand up and take note of it?
The answer lies in the change in the spending by consumers with increase in the number of middle class households acting as a catalyst. The average income of Indian middle calss family is increasing and so is the need for quality at the right price…
Right now, the organized retail forms a mere 3% of the total pie, hence the potential in terms of growth is immense, in fact 30% to be precise over net 3 years (source: KPMG-KSA Techno park-FICCI survey 2005). 97% showcases stores like mom and pop which is the most popular form of retailing in India.
Growth in organized retailing is happening also because of the formats that are being adopted by the retailers. From the known format of life style retailing, retailers have come up with supermarkets, hypermarkets and discount stores such a Big Bazaar, Spencer’s, Sabka Bazaar etc..
These stores offer the same quality available at any mom and pop store but at a discounted price which is usually lower than the MRP.. Another aspect that mobilizes footfalls is of “one stop shop”. One can find from a pin to a printer under one roof.
Big Bazaar is one instance which is changing the buying habits of consumers and that too fast. Regular innovative schemes such as “exchange mela” keep the buyer in the loop and Kishore Biyani, MD, Pantaloon retail knows that pretty well. “We focus on giving customer, value for money” he said in a recent interview with a business magazine.
The Indian market is warming up quite nicely to the organized retailing and stores like Big Bazaar; spencer’s are preparing a perfect competitive environment for the likes of Wal Mart and other international players for the time when they enter Indian market
Coming Up Next: Organized Retailing: Opportunities & Challenges
However, how new it may sound, the concept of retailing started back as late as in1863.
Since then, the economy had seen few players in the modern or organized retail…. Companies like Pantaloon Retail, Pyramid Retail, and Shoppers Stop have been the “Big Players” of the industry
Retailing is the largest employer in India. The Indian retail industry is about 9.9 lakh crore.
The question is what has made industry people al of the sudden stand up and take note of it?
The answer lies in the change in the spending by consumers with increase in the number of middle class households acting as a catalyst. The average income of Indian middle calss family is increasing and so is the need for quality at the right price…
Right now, the organized retail forms a mere 3% of the total pie, hence the potential in terms of growth is immense, in fact 30% to be precise over net 3 years (source: KPMG-KSA Techno park-FICCI survey 2005). 97% showcases stores like mom and pop which is the most popular form of retailing in India.
Growth in organized retailing is happening also because of the formats that are being adopted by the retailers. From the known format of life style retailing, retailers have come up with supermarkets, hypermarkets and discount stores such a Big Bazaar, Spencer’s, Sabka Bazaar etc..
These stores offer the same quality available at any mom and pop store but at a discounted price which is usually lower than the MRP.. Another aspect that mobilizes footfalls is of “one stop shop”. One can find from a pin to a printer under one roof.
Big Bazaar is one instance which is changing the buying habits of consumers and that too fast. Regular innovative schemes such as “exchange mela” keep the buyer in the loop and Kishore Biyani, MD, Pantaloon retail knows that pretty well. “We focus on giving customer, value for money” he said in a recent interview with a business magazine.
The Indian market is warming up quite nicely to the organized retailing and stores like Big Bazaar; spencer’s are preparing a perfect competitive environment for the likes of Wal Mart and other international players for the time when they enter Indian market
Coming Up Next: Organized Retailing: Opportunities & Challenges
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
A letter to Greg Chappell
A letter to Greg Chappell
Hi Greg, hope you are doing fine and find this letter in the best of your finger.
I can understand the kind of pressure you have being the coach of number 3 cricketing nation in the world and physical injuries are just a part of it…. And whether media or Indian public believes it or not I very well understand that hurt finger needs a bit of air and you need to stick out of the compact window to nurse the injury
Media highlighted the agitation against you in kolkata when dada was dropped for ODI’s what media forgot to notice was that agitation was definitely against you but to show their aggression towards you for taking this decision too late. After all, how can a man with the highest success rate of captaincy along with qualities like sweet timer on the off side and power full hitter on the on side can be ignored…
You made or supported the right decision, he had to go… after all we are building a team for world cup 2007 and we need fresh blood, experience is already present in plenty….
So what if Rahul started his career at the same time when Saurav did. He hardly get any appreciation for his wonderful knocks, he had to over come the shadow of great cricketer and how can he do it… well I m sure u knew the answer, As a captain he has become your man as u are for Kiran More, I must say that you both form a great pair and why not?, you both share similar mentality and process…
Being a silent spectator is not easy and you did a wonderful job by not entering in to the famous argument between Surav and Rhul. I am sure that the argument would have been moving the direction u wanted to… smart move huh… and that is why I love your style… you are so smart!
Saurav did the wrong thing by entering the public arena and accused you for following malpractices and here’s why I adore you so much… before media could report the whole incident, you were ready with your story... (No, don’t take me otherwise, I am sure u told the “true story”) about Saurav asking you for favours before you becoming the coach…
You have time and time again proved consistency in your methodology, after the Saurav episode happened, every body expected you to act in the bizarre manner and drop Sehwag and Kaif but you adopted the right approach by maintaining the trend of keeping your faith on youngsters not performing and overlooking experienced performers… fresh blood, youth, energy, innovation… performance doesn’t matter alone, mere presence of them makes the team look more young.. At least from your vision and I must salute your wisdom which still so fresh and young and even at this age!
And finally I would like to thank you for your “Australian” style of working here in India, and if even now, Saurav thinks he has been treated badly… he must go back a few years ago and see what happened with Steve Waugh…
Keep up the good work Greg, I am sure “your men” would bring the world cup and the upcoming tour of West Indies would help you in understanding the best possible way through which it can be “picked up”
Your biggest fan!
Hi Greg, hope you are doing fine and find this letter in the best of your finger.
I can understand the kind of pressure you have being the coach of number 3 cricketing nation in the world and physical injuries are just a part of it…. And whether media or Indian public believes it or not I very well understand that hurt finger needs a bit of air and you need to stick out of the compact window to nurse the injury
Media highlighted the agitation against you in kolkata when dada was dropped for ODI’s what media forgot to notice was that agitation was definitely against you but to show their aggression towards you for taking this decision too late. After all, how can a man with the highest success rate of captaincy along with qualities like sweet timer on the off side and power full hitter on the on side can be ignored…
You made or supported the right decision, he had to go… after all we are building a team for world cup 2007 and we need fresh blood, experience is already present in plenty….
So what if Rahul started his career at the same time when Saurav did. He hardly get any appreciation for his wonderful knocks, he had to over come the shadow of great cricketer and how can he do it… well I m sure u knew the answer, As a captain he has become your man as u are for Kiran More, I must say that you both form a great pair and why not?, you both share similar mentality and process…
Being a silent spectator is not easy and you did a wonderful job by not entering in to the famous argument between Surav and Rhul. I am sure that the argument would have been moving the direction u wanted to… smart move huh… and that is why I love your style… you are so smart!
Saurav did the wrong thing by entering the public arena and accused you for following malpractices and here’s why I adore you so much… before media could report the whole incident, you were ready with your story... (No, don’t take me otherwise, I am sure u told the “true story”) about Saurav asking you for favours before you becoming the coach…
You have time and time again proved consistency in your methodology, after the Saurav episode happened, every body expected you to act in the bizarre manner and drop Sehwag and Kaif but you adopted the right approach by maintaining the trend of keeping your faith on youngsters not performing and overlooking experienced performers… fresh blood, youth, energy, innovation… performance doesn’t matter alone, mere presence of them makes the team look more young.. At least from your vision and I must salute your wisdom which still so fresh and young and even at this age!
And finally I would like to thank you for your “Australian” style of working here in India, and if even now, Saurav thinks he has been treated badly… he must go back a few years ago and see what happened with Steve Waugh…
Keep up the good work Greg, I am sure “your men” would bring the world cup and the upcoming tour of West Indies would help you in understanding the best possible way through which it can be “picked up”
Your biggest fan!
Friday, April 21, 2006
The BPO wave...
“Thank you for calling HP Total care, may I have your name and phone number please”
Been there, done that…
The state of Indian economy has never been so good with sensex crossing all milestones. One industry which has contributed like anything is one which we all love to hate and hate to love.. BPO, astonishing however it may sound but removing these three words from the economic map of India can spell doom for the whole nation not just in terms of GPD growth but also in terms of number of employees this industry employs not every year, not every month but every single day….
We as in Indians have made our self addicted to such high growth and job opportunities that criticizing it can be a big suicide.
After all, what this industry has which is driving the Indian youth towards it and has made them as forever slaves of its ever-growing empire
The answer is very much clear in the hi-fi lanes of gurgaon and noida…
What all a B com or a BA graduate can expect n that too in 3rd class?
I f I would have asked this question 5 years back, the answer might have involved a stressful and struggle filled 9-5 job with little money to spare..
But now the same graduate can have a job that offers..
5 days a week, free pick up n drop in AC cabs, Ac office with hi tech infrastructure and cool environment and salary as high as hard u can work as your every extra hour or extra day other than routine can fetch u overtime money!
All one needs to have is good control over English language and willingness to work in nights which anyways has become a part of any mid teenager in a metro.
BPO has no doubt filled a huge gap of unemployment with fuelling all fii’s resulting in high growth in terms of GDP….
But somewhere down the line the policymakers have let go this industry with out control and as a result what we r witnessing today is that Indian youth becoming addicted to such kind of jobs because of the money factor, take a quick survey around and u will find very few who have a clear cut vision about their career growth in a BPO.
With undergraduates actively forming an important share of the workforce, there is a clear loophole in the hiring norms of these so called multinationals.
To add fuel to the fire, Call centers have mushroomed all over the places to get advantage of cheap labor and not all are serious recruiters. One would find hardly 2 or 3 BPO’s offering an employee what he /she is worth of.
Such companies hire young blood by promising them a fast track career growth from an agent level to team leader and so on…
However the reality is far from it and one sees him/her self as being the part of never ending cat and mouse game where employee is always a loser, once out of this job, one finds him/her self at the starting point as industry doesn’t recognize their efforts as a valid work experience and rightly so as guiding an American about how to install his new computer is hardly a value add to one’s profile.
On my personal front, BPO has always done a great favor from winning the debate at college level (supporting the fact that it is a hurdle to nurture future talent of India) to being a part of it for the second time to earn some quick bucks!
Willingly or unwillingly, BPO has become a sore pill which has to be taken in order to keep the economy healthy and strong…
Been there, done that…
The state of Indian economy has never been so good with sensex crossing all milestones. One industry which has contributed like anything is one which we all love to hate and hate to love.. BPO, astonishing however it may sound but removing these three words from the economic map of India can spell doom for the whole nation not just in terms of GPD growth but also in terms of number of employees this industry employs not every year, not every month but every single day….
We as in Indians have made our self addicted to such high growth and job opportunities that criticizing it can be a big suicide.
After all, what this industry has which is driving the Indian youth towards it and has made them as forever slaves of its ever-growing empire
The answer is very much clear in the hi-fi lanes of gurgaon and noida…
What all a B com or a BA graduate can expect n that too in 3rd class?
I f I would have asked this question 5 years back, the answer might have involved a stressful and struggle filled 9-5 job with little money to spare..
But now the same graduate can have a job that offers..
5 days a week, free pick up n drop in AC cabs, Ac office with hi tech infrastructure and cool environment and salary as high as hard u can work as your every extra hour or extra day other than routine can fetch u overtime money!
All one needs to have is good control over English language and willingness to work in nights which anyways has become a part of any mid teenager in a metro.
BPO has no doubt filled a huge gap of unemployment with fuelling all fii’s resulting in high growth in terms of GDP….
But somewhere down the line the policymakers have let go this industry with out control and as a result what we r witnessing today is that Indian youth becoming addicted to such kind of jobs because of the money factor, take a quick survey around and u will find very few who have a clear cut vision about their career growth in a BPO.
With undergraduates actively forming an important share of the workforce, there is a clear loophole in the hiring norms of these so called multinationals.
To add fuel to the fire, Call centers have mushroomed all over the places to get advantage of cheap labor and not all are serious recruiters. One would find hardly 2 or 3 BPO’s offering an employee what he /she is worth of.
Such companies hire young blood by promising them a fast track career growth from an agent level to team leader and so on…
However the reality is far from it and one sees him/her self as being the part of never ending cat and mouse game where employee is always a loser, once out of this job, one finds him/her self at the starting point as industry doesn’t recognize their efforts as a valid work experience and rightly so as guiding an American about how to install his new computer is hardly a value add to one’s profile.
On my personal front, BPO has always done a great favor from winning the debate at college level (supporting the fact that it is a hurdle to nurture future talent of India) to being a part of it for the second time to earn some quick bucks!
Willingly or unwillingly, BPO has become a sore pill which has to be taken in order to keep the economy healthy and strong…
Thursday, April 20, 2006
A visit to heaven..!
If beauty can be expressed in words, If God can be expressed in religion, if love can be expressed in moments spent, if gratitude can be expressed in eyes , if memories can be expressed by nostalgia, …
There she was, a sheer beauty right in front of me in its full glow, getting readying for her next big endeavor, looking like a newly married bride.
My trip to Chandigarh was no less than a one day military training camp. No sleep for over 48 hours, traveling like hell and walking almost unstoppable and yet at the same time enjoying every bit of it.
Never before I thought I would witness her and just like an artist’s expression, she was right there in my heart glooming with beauty with each passing day.
As GOD would help a true lover meet his destiny, we got a help from one of our friend for reaching to her doorsteps.
Long journey, lack of sleep and excessive walking took its toll on me and I went in to a slumber and as they say, the silence before the storm…
Someone shook me and I got up to see the one of the most beautiful creations of GOD, off course made more graceful by humans.
Her outer looks depicted a picture perfect. A picture, which was beyond my imagination. Had I been a poet or writer, it would have presented a perfect plot for bestseller.
But as outer beauty doesn’t always depict the inner character, her premises from outside looked no less than a princess castle and there she was in her full glory and beauty emanating rays of charm and pride, being served with utmost care….
If you are still expecting a woman, I m sorry to disappoint you….
Ground depicted a green carpet, with seats so modern and scoreboard looked like a vacant canvas ready to be filled with colors of action between India and England test match to be played in the next few days..., for a moment you would pinch yourself to believe that you are in Mohali and not in Lords!
Witnessing perhaps the best cricket ground in India was no less than a privilege and that too when it was getting ready for a big match…the images of covered pitch, lush green outfield, empty scoreboard, flags of India and Sri Lanka right above the pavilion and hoardings of “Ambuja cement” are still fresh in my memory and would never die until new one takes over which I m sure would be when I would get an opportunity to watch an ODI at this blissful place…
Last but not the least, I would like to say that for any cricket lover in India, if there is heaven on this earth, then it is Mohali cricket ground,
If u think I wrote too much or over reacted, then go and give your eyes a treat to watch, give your senses a feel which would be beyond sensation…visit mohali cricket ground and trust me you would believe that you have visited heaven….
There she was, a sheer beauty right in front of me in its full glow, getting readying for her next big endeavor, looking like a newly married bride.
My trip to Chandigarh was no less than a one day military training camp. No sleep for over 48 hours, traveling like hell and walking almost unstoppable and yet at the same time enjoying every bit of it.
Never before I thought I would witness her and just like an artist’s expression, she was right there in my heart glooming with beauty with each passing day.
As GOD would help a true lover meet his destiny, we got a help from one of our friend for reaching to her doorsteps.
Long journey, lack of sleep and excessive walking took its toll on me and I went in to a slumber and as they say, the silence before the storm…
Someone shook me and I got up to see the one of the most beautiful creations of GOD, off course made more graceful by humans.
Her outer looks depicted a picture perfect. A picture, which was beyond my imagination. Had I been a poet or writer, it would have presented a perfect plot for bestseller.
But as outer beauty doesn’t always depict the inner character, her premises from outside looked no less than a princess castle and there she was in her full glory and beauty emanating rays of charm and pride, being served with utmost care….
If you are still expecting a woman, I m sorry to disappoint you….
Ground depicted a green carpet, with seats so modern and scoreboard looked like a vacant canvas ready to be filled with colors of action between India and England test match to be played in the next few days..., for a moment you would pinch yourself to believe that you are in Mohali and not in Lords!
Witnessing perhaps the best cricket ground in India was no less than a privilege and that too when it was getting ready for a big match…the images of covered pitch, lush green outfield, empty scoreboard, flags of India and Sri Lanka right above the pavilion and hoardings of “Ambuja cement” are still fresh in my memory and would never die until new one takes over which I m sure would be when I would get an opportunity to watch an ODI at this blissful place…
Last but not the least, I would like to say that for any cricket lover in India, if there is heaven on this earth, then it is Mohali cricket ground,
If u think I wrote too much or over reacted, then go and give your eyes a treat to watch, give your senses a feel which would be beyond sensation…visit mohali cricket ground and trust me you would believe that you have visited heaven….
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